Welcome all, at home and abroad, to Issue number 251!
We have a ‘map’ indicator of where you are and how many ‘hits’ we’ve had from the various corners of the globe. Very interesting indeed. And our website manager, Alan Levin, has plenty more ideas to enhance the value of the operation.
So, if you like this web format – and the fact that you are reading this suggests you do – please spread the word. Remember that we offer a totally free read. No tantalizing bits to whet appetites, with the need to subscribe with a payment to read the rest. No, it’s all here for you, no strings attached.
Of course, if you do feel the impulse to send in a voluntary subscription equivalent to, less than or even or more than the standard voluntary sub that local readers send in, we’ll be more than happy. Nor are we fussy about the currency, as long as it isn’t millions of Zimbabwe dollars.
It was anticipated that this would be a smaller issue than last month’s, but it is not. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the contents, and as previously, we are highlighting just a few, as below. Which doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of items of interest besides. Peruse and select what you fancy.
(To download the entire issue, click on the thumbnail on right)