September 2007 5767/68 issue of the paper pushes the boundaries in that it is 4 pages bigger that our previous ‘best’ – last year’s Rosh Hashanah 56 pager. Further stats reveal a very favourable increase in both advertising and organisational input than last year
Moreover, after deadline and final close down for material, a fair amount of material – copy and advertising – was still coming in, unfortunately, not to be accommodated.
This phenomenal spurt, while involving far greater than the normal amount of effort and stress for our small CJC team of editorial and office staff – did provide terrific gratification for all concerned.
A ‘BIG READ’ indeed, we hope that readers will take time in savouring the pages over the days leading up to and during the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur period.
And in doing so we hope further that you will take good note of the very many contributors who have caused the paper to swell – particularly those advertisers – companies, and retailers. In their 46% , they show that they value our custom and, more importantly, that they identify with the community at this most significant moment in our calendar – our High Holy Days.
In this Rosh Hashanah issue it is important to peruse the outer pages dedicated to messages from the rabbis and personal wishes of families in our midst.
And finally, on a lighter note – it would b a good idea if, at some time during the BIG READ, you checked out page 45, which follows up on a highlight feature of the August issue, namely the mystery picture of page 39. Much will be revealed! And if you want to view the picture enlarged, you can always go into the picture gallery.
Good reading and Good Yomtov