2008 June

June 2008 thumbnail imageIn reviewing the contents of this issue โ€“ in the main covering the events of May โ€“ in order to highlight those which may be of the greatest significance and interest for โ€˜net readersโ€™, I have encountered the greatest difficulty.

In that it is โ€˜the month of the Yomsโ€™, there is more than enough. But, over and above the commemorations, particularly the outstanding Yom Hashoah Vehagevurah at Pinelands, and the range of celebrations of Israelโ€™s 60th Yom Haโ€™atzmaut, there are a number of items which are well worth a perusal.

The ideal thing would be to download the entire paper, irrespective of the time and bandwidth it will utilise. In support of this, the highlights noted – that we use as โ€˜teasersโ€™- are other than those events featured on page one – which in themselves are a โ€˜must readโ€™.

If at no other time you download the full paper this year, let this be the once for 2008!

Download the June 2008 issue (5.1MB pdf), and Yom Hashoah insert (150kB pdf)


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