Almost a decade after they downed their pens and handed in their final exam papers, Herzlia’s class of ’99 held its ten-year reunion — on three continents, all within one day of each other!
Cape Town
The largest reunion was held at Cape Town’s Gold Museum restaurant and attracted about 70 old Herzlians including partners, most of whom declared that they didn’t feel old enough to have been out of school for ten years.
The combination of good food, fine wine, African-style entertainment and great company soon worked its magic. In the era of Facebook, the usual reunion questions — “What are you doing these days?” … “ Where do you live?” … “Who are you still in touch with?” were a little redundant, but the class of ‘99 found plenty to talk about — and a lot to laugh about.
A group of teachers, along with Herzlia’s current principal Marianne Marks, attended and got a chance to catch up with some of the people they taught in 1997, 1998 and 1999.
Meanwhile, across the pond, a group of 12 from the class of ’99 gathered at the Lion Pub in West Hampstead and held a reunion of their own, with Nikki Van Diermen making a ‘guest appearance’ whilst on her work travels from Cape Town.
As far as Sydney, Australia, a reunion of three — Robyn Samir (Jocum), former head boy Brandon Srot and Ryan Jacobs — commenced their get-together with a trip down memory lane watching a matric video, followed by dinner at a Thai restaurant, where catching up on the last ten years was the order of the night.
All three events were enormously successful, and thanks are due to Nicole Brodovcky in Cape Town, Talya Ressel (Effune) in London and Robyn Samir (Jocum) in Sydney, who organised the respective reunions.