I’ve edited this publication for over 25 years now, and together with our ‘shoestring’ staff team of secretary Tessa Epstein, Anita Shenker, who handles the advertising, and Desrae Saacks, who as desk top publisher has the crucial role of getting everything well set and ‘print ready’, we notch up over 70 years of service.
So we’ve been around some while, you could say.
What is amazing is that, after all this time, instead of its becoming worn and wearisome – apart from the workload on occasions – the paper itself seems never to lose its energy. Energy in terms of where this Cape Town Jewish community is at, and how it just seems to grow more active and vibrant in the range of its activity.
I say this because, after last month’s 48 page Pesach issue, I had thought that April would be quiet. Not so. Though only 36 pages – and noting that the advertising content always swells Pesach issues – the content of this one probably amounts to the same, if you know what I mean!
Amazing things are happening in Cape Town. You’ll see this as you read through the issue. Apart from the ‘lead’ stories on page one, some of which have only been able to sneak in just before deadline and will be followed up on next month, you have to be impressed.
Yes it is really something to be proud of – and remember there is much else that doesn’t, unfortunately make the paper, since, as you may have noted above, we don’t have a reporter and therefore depend to a large extent on what is submitted.
So … don’t for one moment imagine that from page one and a few colourful items shown below you will find the whole exciting story.
To adapt Shakespeare’s call by Macbeth, “Read on Macduff!”
Editor, Irma Chait