April was the ‘Month of the Yoms’- Yom Hashoah V’Hagevurah, Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut, but owing to the usual deadline cut off date, the latter two did not make the issue, other than a ‘rushed’ couple of pictures on the front page, with the promise of more to come in June.
Yom Hashoah this year was as ever a most fitting and moving commemoration of a chapter of our history that truly can never – nor should ever – be forgotten. More so, can one never come to terms with the horror, the inhumanity, the suffering of innocents … and the heroism.
The mandate never to forget and the resolve to celebrate our survival – ‘We are here’ – despite this catastrophic attempt to destroy our people, is highlighted, even in our own small way, in this very publication.
Though small in number – some 1800 souls – this Cape Town community is doing its bit! But at the same time, as you will read elsewhere in the paper, there is a commitment to the wider community, the ideal of ‘tikkun olam’ – the healing, or betterment, of the world.
We see this outreach from page one, with our youth movements’ support of the Equal Education march; the UJW’s ‘Baz Bus’ support of the Elundini Home on page 10; SAUJS’s outreach projects as described briefly on page 11, and ORT-Tech’s long- term and highly effective programmes in technological education for the neglected, less privileged in this country. And there is far more.
As to looking after our own, which has to be our lone responsibility, there is hardly a page that does not reflect that this is being done with the greatest effort, sincerity, love – and pleasure.