Stand with Israel conference

Delegates at the conference.

Delegates at the conference.

On 25 April, a unique conference took place at the Albow Centre in Cape Town.

In alliance with Rev Barry Isaacs, the South African Zionist Federation hosted the โ€˜Stand with Israelโ€™ Conference. It brought together 70 Christian leaders from various sectors of the Church in Cape Town, to discuss support for Israel. These leaders represented organisations across the Christian spectrum; and in unity represented a large portion of the Cape Town Christian community.

Participants were treated to an array of speakers, including Rabbi Wineberg of the Green and Sea Point Hebrew Congregation; Chris Eden from Bridges for Peace; Ben Levitas, Chairman of the SAZF Cape Council; Rev Barry Isaacs; and Dave Wilkinson from the ICEJ. They also went on a tour of the SA Holocaust Museum with Marlene Silbert, after which participants expressed the necessity of a Jewish state. Breakfast and lunch was served and the participants were equipped with sufficient information to take home.

The highlight of the event was clearly the support for Israel offered by the Christian community of South Africa. The conference proved that above all the media negativity thrown towards Israel, there is a clear and unprecedented support for the Jewish state being expressed from South African people. If the conference is any indication, this one small but powerful gathering โ€” which included all races and creeds โ€” has proven that South Africaโ€™s support for Israel is alive and strong.

Religious, social and business representatives of the Christian community have taken a stand in alliance with Israel. It is now our responsibility, as Jewish and Zionist leadership, to continue to highlight and grow this powerful support.