2013 September

Welcome to the biggest-ever issue of the Cape Jewish Chronicle and our very special Rosh Hashanah 5774 edition.

We are proud to bring you a big, bright and bold paper, filled with contributions from a plethora of Jewish community organisations and our very generous advertisers. We would like to thank each and every individual, institution and company that contributed to this wonderful issue.

There is also much to read and inspire you this Rosh Hashanah. Rabbi Bryan Opert discusses going โ€˜back to basicsโ€™ (page 4), while Barbara Nussman tells of her experiences visiting Bulawayo (page 50). We have articles on the TV series โ€˜Homelandโ€™ (page 55) and a very special Arts and Culture page (page 54). All this is in addition to wonderful report backs on community events and initiatives; as well as adverts for exciting upcoming events!

On behalf of the Chairman, Editorial Board and staff of the Cape Jewish Chronicle, I would like to wish all our readers around the world a Shana Tova Uโ€™Metuka and well over the Fast. May 5774 bring joy, good health, happiness and peace to all!

โ€ขย Visit our Portal to the Jewish Communityย to see a list of all the Jewish organisations in Cape Town with links to their websites.

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