Joyce Allen (60 year award), Eunice Movsowitz and Renee Levy (50 year award), BZA WIZO Chairman Tessa Scher, Bella Silverman (60 year award), Roma Schneider and Gillian Cress (Rebecca Sieff 40 year award recipients).
BZA WIZO honoured members who have devoted 40, 50 and 60 years of service at the annual Rebecca Sieff Awards Ceremony.
The recipients were for 40 years Gillian Cress and Roma Schneider; Renee Levy and Eunice Movsowitz for 50 years; and Joyce Allen and Bella Silverman for 60 years.
In addition, the members of Tomer branch were honoured for their commitment and effort in the baking of the Bagel Biscuits over so many years. The Bagel Biscuits are the single most successful ongoing fundraiser undertaken at branch level.
Mervyn Smith gave a very interesting address on his involvement as an executive member of the World Jewish Congress. Rabbi Feldman inspired the members with his Dvar Torah and Kerryn Silke delighted the audience with her beautiful singing.