There are a number of fantastic institutions which operate within our relatively small Cape Town community. Most recently, the innovative initiative called Moishe House has been added to that list.
Moishe House, an international organisation, sets up houses around the globe where young adults can explore and construct ways in which Judaism is meaningful to them. In exchange for subsidised living accommodation, the residents are given a budget to organise and host five or more programmes a month. According to our international definition MoHoCT (Moishe House Cape Town) is a non-denominational, Jewish house that encourages engagement with Judaism through multiple platforms and from multiple perspectives. It is a pluralist, open-minded, safe and inclusive space.
Every month MoHoCT hosts events which focus on enriching Jewish Culture and learning, repairing the world and social connecting. Since the house’s inception in September 2014 we have hosted, (among others) sushi-making Shabbats, egalitarian Challah baking, feminist discussions, Shiurim, movie nights and, of course, typical South African Sunday Braai days.
MoHoCT is based in Vredehoek and is within walking distances from Herzlia and Gardens Synagogue and is easily accessible via the Myciti bus route.
Currently, the house is occupied by three overly enthusiastic residents, Shayni Geffen, a 22-year-old born and bred Capetonian and intern counsellor at a children’s Home in Khayelitsha; Gilad Amar a 25-year-old Joburger studying his Masters in Astrophysics, and Lauren Kessler a 24-year-old Capetonian currently throwing her lot in with Jewish community work. As residents they aim to make sure the house is always welcoming, bustling, and smelling of challah and full of warm positive vibes!
To keep posted about the monthly events, like our Facebook page (Moishe House Cape Town) or email to receive our monthly newsletter