Bnei Akiva Cape Town mid-year update

As the year continues Bnei Akiva Cape Town carries on moving full steam ahead.

It’s only half way through the year and so much work has been done but there are still very exciting times coming up. We thought this would be the perfect opportunity to update the community on all of the activities that we have recently undergone and all of the exciting things we have planned for the next few months.

Bnei Akiva Minyan is back. It has been roughly 30 years since Bnei Akiva had a functioning youth minyan in Cape Town. Since our minyan joined the Arthurs Road Hebrew congregation to form Beit Midrash Morasha, we have been struggling to get the minyan going again but we’re happy to say now that our minyan is functioning and it is building momentum. Every second week Bnei Akiva madrichim and channichim have been getting together on Shabbat day to daven. The minyan is run completely by our madrichim and channichim and has provided a great space for our youth to interact and enjoy Shabbat together. If anyone is looking for a chilled and fun place to daven or knows anyone coming from out of town, then this is the place to be.

Winter camp is also around the corner. We have an amazing program planned for all channichim aged 9-12 (Gurim and Ktan Tanim) and aged 13-15 (middle school). Our exciting camp program will start on 17 July and end on 20 July. We will be staying at the beautiful Karmel campsite, part of the big oak adventures group, just outside of Franschhoek. Winter Camp has always been a fun getaway in the June/July holidays and this year it is lining up to be one of our best Winter Camps yet.

At the time of writing this article, our hadracha group of 21 Capetonian channichim (the most weโ€™ve ever had!!!) has just departed on a life changing experience in the holy land and weโ€™re looking forward to hearing their amazing stories.
There are fun times ahead!

Kadima Bnei Akiva
Nathan Esra

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