A marvelous museum visit and a very creative art class

Glendale residents outside the Iziko Natural History Museum

It’s shaping up to be a busy and fun-filled winter for the Glendale residents

Our Glendale residents couldn’t wait for their visit to the Iziko South African Museum and, when the day finally came, it proved even more exciting than they could have imagined! It was a totally new experience for some and a great opportunity for more social integration as everyone enjoyed the chance to explore and see things that they’ve never seen before.

The giant shark jaw was an especially huge hit, as were the whale sounds — and even when the noises stopped, Dale and Ari were luckily on hand to recreate them for us!

The cold winter weather might be keeping everyone indoors, but that doesn’t mean we’re not having fun! Inspired by the recent Cape storm, our OT Nicole held an art class where our residents got the chance to really express themselves creatively. Not only did everyone love the chance to show off their art skills, but this kind of activity also offers a great way to expose our residents to new things. Best of all was seeing how proud everyone was of the art they had created and how excited they were to ‘display’ their creations in and around the home.

Be sure to like our Glendale page on Facebook for more updates and info.


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