Click here to see the calendar for September, available in the August issue: cjsacalendarAug17issue
Preparing for the High Holy Days and the year ahead
“We too often relegate the aged to a lesser status” — a stance reinforced by Western society’s emphasis on youth and vitality. Harold Kushner, a well-known American Rabbi and author, commenting on Judaism’s divergence with Western values questioned whether when we grow older and as we lose our physical grace while gaining wisdom, and as our bodies sag and our souls ripen — does that represent a net gain or a loss?
Our autumn years are a time to undertake the inner journey of the ripening of the soul. As our dexterity is lost and we focus on the number of losses which we have suffered over the years — one often fails to shift our focus to the gains. We need to own the gains in whichever form they present themselves. Unacknowledged gains may include the individual’s capacity to develop inner strength, clarity or wisdom which is acquired through the distilling of ordinary experiences.
Part of Western culture is an over-emphasis on the exterior. We are judged on the premise that the more we have the more we are, which is so far from the truth. We, as a community, need to move past the superficial exteriors surrounding us and begin to focus on the inner riches and wisdom which we gain through life experiences and reflection on what has been.
As a community, we need to honour the stories of those that have lived before us. We need to engage our elders and ask them to narrate the stories that form part of their cherished memories, unique to each individual and family so that we can enrich our own lives by connecting with the lives of others.
We may fail to tap into our histories because painful memories are conjured up, because of time constraints or that the fact that those who have the knowledge no longer have the clarity with which to impart it to us. So often, we leave it too long so we are not given the privilege of tapping into one’s own history-often resulting in a sense of loss and disconnection.
With Rosh Hashana upon us, let us resolve to take time to talk, and more importantly, to engage with and listen to the tales of our elders and the richness of the lessons learned.
Walking is the best exercise:
‘Walk Away’ from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger.
‘Walk Away’ from people who deliberately put you down.
‘Walk Away’ from failures and fears that stifle your dreams.
‘Walk Away’ from any thought that reduces your worth.
The more you ‘Walk Away’ from things that poison your soul, the happier your life would be.
Give Yourself a Walk towards joy and peace…Don’t try to explain yourself to everyone.
‘If they don’t accept you, shake off the dust,’ so walk away!
Don’t explain and don’t try to make them understand.
Diana Sochen
Executive Director
Book early for Special Events :
All bookings open on the 15th of the month prior to the event advertised.
4 August — Shabbat Supper in Sea Point — R50 for members and R170 for non-members.
14 – 16 August — Ot Azey in Sea Point R350
23 August — Biennial CJSA Seminar at the Fire and Ice Hotel R350
September Twilight Suppers R50 — Theodore Yach speaks on his sea swimming and the 20 years of regeneration investment into the CBD
12 September Sea Point 17h30
13 September Claremont 17h30
14 September Milnerton 18h30
JCC AGM Venue: Albow Centre, 18 October 2017. 17h00 to commence sharp at 17h30 The whole community is invited and welcome.
Hearty mazeltov is extended on the following events:
Ettie Buch — Great-grandson
Sarah Daitsh — Grandson
Shirley Elvey — Granddaughter
Sadie Graziani — Grandaughter
Sam Chiat
Adele Greenblau
Pessie Measroch
We extend our sincere best wishes to our members who have not been well:
Alec Alperstein
Charlotte Berson
Eleanor Farber
Bennie Katzenberg
Maureen Lurie
We extend our sincere condolences to our members who have lost family members:
Cedrick and Eileen Braudo — Son
Eunice Movsowitz — Brother
Cynthia and Jack Schneider — Brother, Brother-in-law
We extend our condolences to the families of members who have passed away:
Norma Milner
Margaret Saxey
A hearty welcome to new members to the CJSA family:
Trevor Bouwer
Jennigay Coetzer
Gillian Matitiani