To book your function, call Steven on 021 461 8414.
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Sandy Hotz, a loyal friend and supporter of Astra, contributed to Mandela Day by knitting ‘comfort dolls’. Astra’s Workers assisted in stuffing, sewing and finishing off the dolls, in order to give them away on Mandela Day. Pictured are supervisors Lindsay Dawes and Trish Jaffa, Sandy Hotz and Astra worker David Shofer with the 67 dolls in the crib.
Staff member Emunah Rachel van Zyl, ‘Princess Caroline’ and supervisor Fiona van der Walt
Astra Committee member, Selwyn Furman, celebrated his 79th birthday as ‘Chef of the Day’, sharing his secret pickle recipe with the Coffee Time kitchen staff.
A recent 60th birthday bash was one of many functions celebrated in style at Coffee Time. The pink and white décor created a beautiful atmosphere to accompany the incredible catering.
Astra workers with the help of some staff members, delivered food to the homeless. Caroline (42) was crowned ‘Princess of the Day’ by worker Bradlee Gruss, in honour of her birthday.