Recent Cape Town Torah High Awards and Achievements

Shiur Bet group

Gold President Award

Asher Valentini, who graduated from Cape Town Torah High last year, has achieved the Gold Level President’s Award, which is the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.
This is awarded to students who complete a minimum of 72 hours of community service, show regular effort and improvement in both a sport and a skill over a minimum of 12 months, complete an adventurous journey over 4 days, either a 80km walk, 225km cycle, 160km horseback, canoeing 6hrs or sailing 8 hours per day; and spend 5 days on a residential project with a group of people who are not their usual companions. 
Asher also achieved a 4.10 GPA (out of 4) and was awarded the Yeshiva University Honours Scholarship.
SAT Success

Netanel Opert placed within the top 1% of all International SAT scores, with his score of 1480 out of 1600. This led to his being awarded the Yeshiva University Honours Scholarship, as well as qualifying for many other university scholarships. Netanel also achieved a 4.12 GPA (out of 4).
The mission of the YU Schottenstein Honors Program is to enhance education throughout Yeshiva University by providing an exceptionally broad, deep, rigorous education for its most talented students.

International Bible Competition (Chidon HaTanach)

Aharon Altman, placed in the top 3 nationally in the International Bible Competition (Chidon HaTanach), and travelled to represent SA in the finals in Jerusalem.
This competition is forty years old and presided over by the Prime Minister of Israel, televised annually on Yom Ha’Atzmaut. It gathers 250 winners from across 70 countries and examines the student’s fluency in 240 chapters from many books of the Tanach. Aharon also joined the Chidon Camp, which travelled across Israel, learning and touring the significance of the land from a Biblical perspective.

Shiur Bet

Shiur Bet has completed and made a siyum on the entire chapter Tefilat HaShachar (Berachot, ch. 3) in just two terms. The chapter discusses the mitzva of prayer, its historical evolution, meaning, and laws.

Shabbat Art Competition

Chana van Zyl and Batya Hepple both won a shared first place in the Shabbat Art Competition, High School Level, which was a city wide competition run by the Milnerton Hebrew Congregation, for their works of art expressing their impressions of the Shabbat. 

Notable Judaic Studies Achievements
Gavriel Dorfman won a school Talmud Competition for his achievement of memorising by heart fluently 25 pages of Talmud consecutively.


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