Getting to know the Board of Deputies

The Cape SABJD is made up of a team of volunteer board members that bring a wealth of experience, resource and skills to the work we do within the community and outside of it. We often see their faces in news articles and at community events but donโ€™t know much about them!
So we thought we would warm the conversation up with some ice-breaker type questions and get to know our board members a little better.

1. Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?
2. What do you think about when youโ€™re alone in your car?
3. What were you like in high school?
4. Your lottery ticket ends up winning R10 million. What would you do?

Michael Kushner is a Candidate Attorney at Bernadt Vukic Potash & Getz and an accredited commercial and court-annexed mediator.
1. Hunter
2. I donโ€™t own a car. I gave up driving. Uber is the future.
3. Resilient, I like to think that has not changed.
4. After deducting Tzedakah, I promised a friend that if I ever won the lottery, I would help him build a library. If he wins the lottery, he undertook to help me start a farm in Israel, so it is the least I could do.

Viv Anstey is Vice Chair of the Board and Director of the Midrasha Adult Education Institute. She is married to Gary with two children.
1. I am both. I constantly seek opportunities to revitalise our community, while networking with people to mix and match their talents and ideas.
2. What is next for the Jewish people? What can I do to secure a world without hate, conflict, and inequality? Why canโ€™t I sleep at night? When will there be family time?
3. A non-entity. My social skills trumped my academic skills. I had to prove myself by myself after I left school, so I did.
4. I would want to divide this windfall fairly amongst my pet projects (Melton, Limmud SA, Jewish Literary Festival, Leadership and PJ Library) plus a chunk to Jewish education and Jewish welfare.

Rael Kaimowitz is Chair of the Board and is the Director of Kadimah Print. He is married to Caroline and they have 2 children.
In this day and age, there is no room for either or. You have to be both. Hunter-gatherer
How could I have agreed to accept the Chairmanship of the Board of Deputies? (In a good way, of course!)
You would have to ask those that were there. I would imagine they would answer, without any hesitation: He was an all-rounder, clever, funny, good looking and loved by all! At least thatโ€™s what my mom would have said. The truth is, unlike today, I was not a member of any society or group. For me, it was work, sport, and play. I loved my high school years but it just shows. School can be a dangerous place to stereotype and label people. You never know what someone will end up doing or achieving.
Put it on black!


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