It’s always a huge spectacle for over one thousand young Jews to come together in their December holidays and learn and grow together.
It requires huge amounts of preparation, time and effort to get to this point but in Cape Town it is always made easier by the amazing support that we receive from the Cape Town Jewish community.
Every year on Simchat Torah, Bnei Akiva Cape Town’s madrichim gather together in the different Shuls in Cape Town to be involved in the night’s festivities and to try and show the Cape Town community the power that we bring and the potential of young passionate young Jews coming together to serve a common purpose. Our common purpose on Simchat Torah in Cape Town is to raise as much money as possible for the sole purpose of being able to help the kids and families that aren’t able to afford their camp fees.
We were joined in our efforts by fellow Bnei Akiva madrichim and channichim who all wanted to join in with the Cape Town community in the celebrating of Simchat Torah. Bnei Akiva Cape Town was able to bring four madrichim from Johannesburg who played their part at the Claremont Wynberg Hebrew congregation and at Beit Midrash Morasha we were joined by Yeshiva College’s tip tour which comprised 22 boys from Yeshiva College High School.
At the different shuls we tried our best to show how the value of having as many kids on Machaneh as possible and we are happy and grateful to say that we were able to raise enough money to send forty kids to camp.
This is truly something amazing and we are so grateful that the community can see the value in what we do and that its members are so happy to support our cause.
Machaneh Nitzavim Hayom will be remarkable and we owe a huge amount of thanks for this to the Cape Town community!
Kadima Bnei Akiva
Nathan Esra