Terrorism is a global phenomenon; sometimes legal action is mightier than the sword.
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner’s strategy in fighting terrorism in the courtroom is by attacking the terrorists in their pocketbooks incorporating legal loopholes to block their funding.
Darshan-Leitner is founder and president of Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center, which is at the forefront of fighting terrorism and safeguarding citizens worldwide. She represents people from various backgrounds, ethnicities, races and religions. Her cases span the globe and enable victims of terrorism to fight back and sue their perpetrators, forcing them to spend enormous sums on legal fees and preventing them from using financial institutions in western countries to fund their operations. Currently, she is fighting for the rights of hundreds of terror victims in lawsuits and legal actions against countries and organisations including the Republic of Iran, North Korea, the Bank of China, Palestinian Liberation Organisation, the Palestinian Authority and Hezbollah.
Her success rate is excellent. Darshan-Leitner says her firm has succeeded in receiving more than $1.5 billion in judgments, freezing over $600 million in terror assets and securing over $120 million in actual disbursements to the victims and their families.
Addressing audiences on the topic of fighting terrorism in the courtroom. The South African Zionist Federation Cape Council and the United Jewish Campaign hosted a breakfast talk where Darshan-Leitner spoke in front of a lively Cape Town crowd at Café Riteve on 25 October, followed by a evening lecture at the Stellenbosch University. Despite the serious subject matter, Darshan-Leitner’s storytelling of the work she does was exceptional and inspirational; she definitely had the audience in stitches.
Shurat HaDin also fights to end the incitement of violence and promotion of terror on social media. At the same time, it defends Israel, its leaders and soldiers against claims of war crimes and combating Lawfare and BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions).
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner wields enormous influence in her area of specialisation. A mother of six, including a set of triplets, she is a graduate of the Bar-Ilan University Law faculty and holds a MBA from Manchester University. She is a regular guest on international media programmes on US and European networks.