Our Sukkot and Simchat Torah once again provided wonderful services and events for our congregation.
Our Erev and Morning Sukkot Services and Brochas in Green Point and West Coast respectively were led by four Progressive rabbis and, with support from the Rina musicians and congregants, provided plenty of ruach at both. On the Friday morning, a breakfast shiur was led by Rabbi Tamara Schagas and which featured discussion on Sukkot traditions and some of the challenges faced by Israel.
On Saturday evening Wynberg was once again the host for the Havdallah, Cider in the Sukkah — at which different flavours of cider were tasted — and Braai. Our Simchat Torah Service and Party were, as always, a wonderful advertisement for our congregation where the hundreds of people there davened, danced with the Torah and ate /drank to their hearts content at our shul in Green Point.
We are truly grateful to all who contributed to making the chaggim so full of learning and enjoyment for all.