To download the calendar for April click below:
January certainly started off with a bang and members enjoyed a variety of outings, excellent speakers and varied programmes. We have received many compliments on our recently refurbished Bellevue Road Sea Point home which is a light and airy space and ideal for hosting intimate functions.
Our annual Fish Braai was enjoyed by many members. Delicious yellowtail was braaied and served with a variety of mouthwatering salads. The guests enjoyed chatting to one another as they enjoyed the meal and especially the fish which was generously donated by Snoek Wholesalers — special thanks to the Zive family for this gift.
Then, onto the world premiere of the Yiddish Documentary “Leah, Teddy and the Mandolin” expertly produced by Heather Blumenthal and her Spirit Sister Company.
The hour long film took the highlights of 10 years music of the Yiddish Song Festival, the brainchild of Philip Todres whose passion and commitment to Yiddish, CJSA and this production was so evident in the film when he gave the history of the YSF and the importance of continuing the Yiddish language.
The premier was sold out, as was a second evening a week later. Personally, I found that the show was a moving experience and without exception, everyone who has viewed the film has expressed their delight in viewing it. Congratulations to all involved in this world class production. We are so proud that the documentary is being submitted and will hopefully be included at documentary film festivals in Israel, USA and Canada as well as a Jewish film syndicate in Australia.
We have booked the Red Bus Tour for the middle of March. Anyone is welcome to join us, starting in the Waterfront and seeing Cape Town through tourist’s eyes. We will stop off in Hout Bay for lunch to enable passengers to enjoy a delicious fish lunch. It is important to note that we will be booking on line so if you are interested to join us, please contact our office before 10 March.
Our annual three nights away to Goudini will be just after Pesach. There are still some places available so if you wish to have an all-inclusive break with good company and great food, please contact us for further details.
Water is the topic on most people’s minds at the moment and our committee, my colleagues and I are extremely mindful of the seriousness of the situation. We will endeavor to assist all those who are unable to get water themselves. It is vitally important that you contact CJSA offices to ask for assistance. Most importantly, if you are able to volunteer to help those who will need assistance sourcing water if it becomes necessary, please contact us. There are elders in the community living alone and without a support structure who we would need to help should the situation arise.
Our Wish List
Our branches are in need of certain items to make the moadons homelier. If you are able to provide a donation in kind or with the goods needed, please contact us. Of high importance are bridge tables at all branches. Bridge is extremely popular and many of our tables are long past their sell-by dates. You might have an unused table in a basement or garage — you can be assured that it would be greatly appreciated at CJSA. We also need new cushions for all chairs, a microwave oven, camera and seven folding trestle tables. Sea Point will be hosting a house warming on 20 February — so gifts for that occasion will be wonderful too.
Diana Sochen, Executive Director.
Woolfie and Glickie Bloom — Great Granddaughter
Sadie Graziani — Great Granddaughter
Joan Krupp — Granddaughter
Carrol Schonberg — Great Grandson
Ronnie and Lily Becker — Grandson
Jill Lazard
Elizabeth and Selwyn Kantor — Granddaughter
Theo and Renee Musikanth — Granddaughter
Ruth Katzeff — Grandson
Leon and Eunice Movsowitz
Lola Krafchik — 80
Hymie Wardman — 80
Reisa Bronks — 90
Carrol Schonberg — 84
Best wishes to members who have not been well
Reisa Bronks
Welcome to new CJSA members:
Maureen Nates
New Programme offered
Dance for Parkinson’s SA
CJSA will be hosting this programme of dance to increase flexibility, range of movement, improve balance and spatial awareness, also addressing all common symptoms of ageing.
Qualified, specially trained teachers will be giving classes in Sea Point
every Wednesday from 10h00 — 11h00.
Cost: CJSA members R60 non-members R70
Special Events: Booking essential for all events
28 February 18h30 Launch of the Lifestyle Club with Harold Philips addressing us on The Earliest South African Jewish Document R60. Supper included.
13 March Sea Point. Jonathan Hayden speaking on The Hayden, Hahn German Family Story R60
14 March Red Bus Tour R120
22 March Milnerton with Dr David Sher — Dov, Moshe and Meir, a Tale of Three Heroes R60
30 March Pesach First Evening. Should any member wish to have home hospitality, please contact your social worker and we will endeavour to assist.