After a whirlwind tour of South Africa visiting WIZO members in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban and Port Elizabeth, World WIZO President, Esther Mor, gave a heartfelt and moving keynote address at Bnoth Zion WIZO’s AGM earlier this month.
Members and friends of WIZO Cape Town packed the Marais Road Shul hall to hear Esther share the life-changing work that WIZO does in Israel and around the world. Her gentle manner and unmistakable passion won the hearts of her Cape Town audience.
While in South Africa, Esther was able to witness the handover of some of the 50 Israeli wheelchairs brought here by BZA WIZO Cape Town, to underprivileged disabled children all over the country.
For the first time in his life, little 6-year-old Ibongwe Tshambu of Khayalitsha, pictured in the green wheelchair, will not have to rely on the help of his family and friends to get around. What a moment it was!
To see more, visit the Bnoth Zion WIZO Facebook page