CEO of Sygnia wows WIZO audience

Adele Saven, Adrienne Judes (Chairman of WIZO Cape Town), Magda Wierzycka, Shelley Friedman and Ros Lewenson

At a sold-out event in early November, BZA WIZO’s Gilah branch presented a personality morning with guest speaker straight-talking billionaire Magda Wierzycka.

Magda is CEO of Sygnia Group, and the most successful female entrepreneur in the financial services industry in South Africa, breaking through the ‘glass ceiling’ without allowing her values and integrity to be compromised.

Since taking the helm in 2006, Magda has grown Sygnia’s assets from R2 billion to R154 billion by 2015.

Well known for her chutzpah and bravery, Magda is an outspoken critic on corruption, state capture and the Guptas. True to form, there were no sacred cows as Madga gave a riveting account of her personal experiences and insights into the state capture roller-coaster South Africa has faced over the past decade, as well the challenges of being a woman in what is traditionally a man’s world.

Co-Chairmen of WIZO’s Gilah branch, Ros Lewenson and Adele Saven, thanked Shelley Friedman of the George Elkin Trust for her generous sponsorship of the event, enabling proceeds to go towards the important projects for the upliftment of women and children that are supported by WIZO SA.


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