A visit to Somerset West

David King with Gerald Potash

Our Country Communities continue to be a focus of our work at the board.

An active sub-committee and a passionate Executive Director are dedicated to connecting with smaller Jewish communities and individuals living outside of Cape Town.

On Friday 24 May, Stuart Diamond and David King, who heads up the Country Community sub-committee, visited the small but vibrant Jewish community of Somerset West and Strand. David presided over the Shabbat service and both visitors enjoyed some l’chaims and a bite together with the community afterwards.

Hertzel Brodovcky from the Somerset West and Strand community said “The visit was warmly received by all and the feedback was a resounding positive. It was a reconnection and sharing of mutual interests and many challenges and as outlying communities dwindle, the importance of becoming a closer family needs to be understood.”

Our next country community visit is planned for August where we will visit communities along the Garden Route.


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