Schusterman: Leading self, leading others, leading systems

Stuart engages Sarah Hurwitz (right) and Ginna Green (left) during the Immunity to Change exercise

From 13 to 15 May, Stuart Diamond travelled to Airlie, Virginia to attend the Schusterman Fellowship. 

This highly selective 18-month leadership development programme is for people committed to driving change in their organisations, the Jewish world and beyond. Its goal is to support, cultivate and invest in professionals who are motivated and ready to lead toward a more equitable and just future.

The innovative curriculum focuses on strengthening the personal leadership capacity of the participants, as well as their ability to foster collaboration and drive sector-wide changes. Each fellow takes part in both individualised and group-based learning and works closely with an executive coach in order to create a customised learning plan. Fellows also receive a stipend so that they can participate in leadership advancement opportunities and each has to create and carry out a plan to address a pressing challenge in their organisation or field.

The focus of the first three-day breakaway was on the self. Before leaders can expand and enhance the skills that will help them make an impact, they first need to look inward and the Schusterman Fellowship guides them on a journey of self-awareness, self-understanding and self-development. 

Stuart and the other fellows were encouraged to recognise the influences and motivations that drove their actions and how these factors โ€” beliefs, aspirations, fears and values โ€” affected their abilities as leaders, and they were provided with the tools, strategies and practices to ensure that their intentions and actions were aligned. This alignment forms the foundation of effective leaders and effective organisations.

โ€œThe Fellowship gave me the chance to meet and work closely with an international group of young Jewish leaders as well as with professional coaches. Itย  also created a space for me to push boundaries and a space where I was provided with the opportunity for quiet contemplation. It was in such spaces that I could reflect and challenge myself in new ways and I hope that our community will benefit from the learning opportunity that I was privileged to receive.โ€ย Stuart Diamond, Executive Director, Cape SAJBD

โ€œIt was hard to imagine what to expect when meeting 26 other Jewish leaders from around the world. However, by the end of the four days, it was clear we are representative of the ever-evolving Jewish community. During our cloaking circle, I was present to just how important diversity and inclusion is when building Jewish spaces. There is enough room for all of us, our ideas and beliefs. And if it seems as though there isnโ€™t enough room, itโ€™s time for you to roll up your sleeves and make space before it is made for you.โ€ย Gamal Palmer, Senior Vice President of Leadership and Development, The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles

โ€œThe first gathering of the fellowship offered us the rare opportunity to invest in ourselves as we continue charting our leadership paths. I feel like I was given the chance to stop and breathe a huge breath of fresh air that is reinvigorating my work and my life. Being surrounded by incredible leaders from around the globe is both inspiring and humbling.โ€ Amy Born, Chief Strategy Officer of Leading Edge


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