News from the South African community in Israel

Telfed's first beach clean-up took place over the summer at Poleg beach, south of Netanya.

Following a busy summer of welcoming new Southern African and Australian Olim to Israel, Telfed staff and volunteers are in the process of assessing over 2000 applications for Telfed scholarships, the highest number of requests yet. 

Telfed offers three scholarship tracks; PRAS (a community scholarship programme, where students volunteer with Olim, the elderly and children with special needs), a financial needs-based scholarship and SASI (support for Southern Africans Studying in Israel). With growing interest to study in Israel, the SASI programme is fully subscribed for the upcoming academic year. Telfed hosted a summer Aliyah information evening (with representatives from Garin Tzabar), where the vast majority of SASI graduates indicated their interest to make Aliyah. We are excited to announce that former Telfed Director and ex-Capetonian, Sid Shapiro, has been elected as volunteer Chairman of the SASI Committee. 

In other news, the Telfed rental apartments in Tel Aviv and Ra’anana are at maximum capacity and we currently have 50 families on the waiting lists for subsidised rental apartments. Two thirds of income generated from our rental apartments is invested back to the community, mainly providing social welfare assistance for SA families in need. On this note, Telfed’s Assistance Committee also held their biannual meeting this summer. In the first half of 2019, over NIS 1.73 million (approximately R 7.5 million) was distributed to Olim in dire need, in the form of food cards, emergency assistance and rescue projects (which provide financial education and guidance for individuals capable of returning to financial independence). 

Each year, Telfed arranges over 80 events across Israel for our community, attracting Olim of all ages with a diverse range of interests. Sunset on the Mediterranean shoreline provided the perfect backdrop to Telfed’s first beach clean-up. SA Olah, Judith Turiel, has become actively involved in environmental awareness and was eager to share her knowledge and passion with the community. “Armed with reusable gloves and bin bags, kindly provided by the Environmental Protection Office of the Netanya Municipality, we tackled the beach. Participants were astounded by the range of litter we picked up. It was an eye opener for all,” said Judith. Inquisitive beach-goers cheered on the participants and were motivated to lend a hand. 

Over Sukkot, Telfed will hold its annual family picnic at Kibbutz Nir Eliyahu. If you are visiting Israel then, please join in the fun on 17 October! 

To download a PDF of the Chronicle for October, click here

To read the editor’s column this month, titled ‘Why we need more difficult females’ click here

To read the most read story online in September, click here


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