One to One – an extraordinary event and unique experience

Li Boiskin, Stuart Diamond and Jodi Goldberg manning the Board stand

For the twelfth year running, the Cape South African Jewish Board of Deputies participated in the One to One event on Sunday 18 August at the iconic Cape Town Stadium. 

One to One is a unique communal initiative in which organisations and individuals are given the opportunity to interact with some 3000 mentally and physically challenged people, who pour into the centre for a day of fun activities and give-away prizes. Organisations across the spectrum participate and set up stalls, each aimed at bringing joy and laughter into the lives of the visitors. 

We handed out iced fruit lollies and balls, and along with our festively decorated stall, this proved an outright hit. The Cape Board is so appreciative and grateful to its generous donors who helped make this event a success. Our appreciation too, to the indefatigable convenor, Albert Glass – Kol HaKavod Albert!

One to One is a truly heart-breaking, but deeply humbling and uplifting day and we are proud to be associated with this event. 

To download a PDF of the Chronicle for October, click here

To read the editor’s column this month, titled ‘Why we need more difficult females’ click here

To read the most read story online in September, click here

To visit the Board of Deputies website, click here


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