When Freda Davis z”l turned 90 she decided to do something different.
She requested that her family and friends celebrate her milestone by donating money to a worthy cause. Freda decided she wanted a deserving matriculant from her Alma Mater, Good Hope Seminary High School to receive an annual financial contribution towards ongoing education. This fund has been administered by the Union of Jewish Women Cape Town in close consultation with the school to choose the best candidates.
When Freda was alive and healthy the ceremonial tea was held at the school. Later when Freda became more frail, a tea was held at her home in Sea Point. There Freda would sing the school anthem and charm the recipient (and usually her parent) with memories of her experiences at GHSHS.
Since Freda’s passing the UJW Cape branch had to make a decision on how to go forward with the presentation of the UJW Freda Davis Award. Last month Freda’s daughter Marilyn Davis-Shulman flew down from Johannesburg for the ceremonial tea. The school requested that two outstanding recipients share the money towards their ongoing education.
The demographics at Good Hope have changed over the years. Now there are very few ex-pupils who are able to contribute towards the growth and development of the school. With the foresight of a woman like Freda Davis, more young women who graduate are able to get financial assistance towards their education.
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Portal to the Jewish Community: to see a list of all the Jewish organisations in Cape Town with links to their websites, click here
Featured organisation of the month: The Jewish Community Services’ (JCS) activities are centered on relief for the poor and distressed in the Jewish community. They provide a full range of preventative, educative and supportive counselling, statutory services as well as material relief. Visit https://www.jcs.org.za for more.