Entebbe eye-witness

Lance Myerson, Liam Talberg, Jordyn Fitzpatrick, Hannah Paris, Zoe Chadowitz, Julia Ganbarg, Rami Sherman, Gary Isaacs, Zoey Lieberman, Daniel Levenstein, Aaron Sherman, Joe Rosenberg, Grant Norrie, Rabbi Nissen, Zac Rubin and Hayden Norrie

Chabad on Campus

We had the unique honour of hearing from IDF major Rami Sherman who was one of the soldiers who lead the Raid on Entebbe otherwise known as Operation Yonatan (after Yoni Netanyahu who was killed that night).

His team saved over 100 Jewish hostages who were taken captive by terrorists who hijacked an AirFrance plan and redirected it to Entebbe, Uganda. The story is a message of โ€œKol Yisrael Arevim Zeh lazehโ€. All of Israel is responsible for one another. It was not Israelโ€™s legal responsibility but Franceโ€™s.

Zac Rubin, a second year Engineering Student, said he was particularly moved by the story of the non-Jewish pilot and his crew who decided to stay with their Jewish passengers after being given the option to leave with the other non-Jewish passengers who were released. All in all, the talk gave us renewed strength and pride in belonging to the Jewish people. It was certainly the greatest hostage rescue in history. Or as Rami said, some people said it was luck, but we knew it was the Hand of God.

Thank you to SAUJS for partnering with us to make the event possible.

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