Committed philanthropists – both new and longstanding – filled the Lookout on Wednesday the 11th of March for the launch of the United Jewish Campaign’s (UJC) 2020 community fundraising campaign. Donors re-energised and committed their support to ensure the well-being of our precious community and its 35 beneficiaries.
The atmosphere was electric with an impressive line up: Robbie Brozin as keynote speaker, the “Open Embassy” jazz band comprising of 4 Herzlian students and the Herzlia Vocal Ensemble led by Ivor Joffe. Community pride and generosity was palpable throughout the room.
Creating spaces for celebration and touch points for donors is critical for the UJC. The 2020 campaign launch focused on the importance of community responsibility, celebration and collaboration.
Robbie Brozin, founder of Nandos, inspired the crowd with his journey; the beginnings of Nandos, his philosophy of ‘people first’, and his community involvement and deep belief in South Africa. His resounding message: South Africa is a truly special place and we as South Africans should be enormously proud. We often take for granted our uniqueness in the world and underestimate our true potential. He referenced his eyeopening time on Constitution Hill and his new-found reverence for the South African Constitution that he reinforces, “is the most unbelievable blue print for our country”. His journey and philosophy left the crowd with much to think about and an overall feeling of hope and pride in these tumultuous times.
Philip Krawitz & Raymond Ackerman Philip Krawitz, Rabbi Liebenberg, Howard & Alison Katzeff & Rebbetzin Liebenberg Marcia & Harry Faktor & David Golembo Jonathan & Dianna Yach Anthony & Sara-Lee Jackson Herzlia 2020 Vocal Ensemble Robbie Brozin – Keynote Speaker Leora Hessen, Simone Sulcas & Martine Vogelman Marc & Amanda Herson, Philip & Michele Krawitz, Gary & Martine Vogelman Paul & Suzanne Berman, Raymond & Wendy Ackerman, Kathy & David Robins Howard Katzeff, David Hammar, Sharon Levin, Roy Fine & David Resnick
The Gerald Kleinman award for outstanding service to the UJC was bestowed upon Philip Krawitz. Philip is currently the Chair of the UJC Board of Trustees and sits on many other communal bodies. He has been volunteering in Jewish communal organisations for over 35 years. We wish Philip a huge Mazeltov! We feel truly honored at the UJC to have Philip’s generosity, sound leadership and wise counsel.
At the UJC, we are grateful to our community of donors who keep our beneficiaries thriving and able to offer incredible services to those in our community who need it most. We would like to thank our generous sponsors: The Eric & Sheila Samson Foundation, Investec, Dischem, ENS Africa, Mazars, Pick n Pay, Berman Bros, Aroma, Cape Union Mart, Newmark Hotels and Nandos. Huge gratitude goes out to the CSO and their dedicated volunteers who keep our community safe. Merle Rubin, once again, outdid herself with the delicious food she provided. Veronica and Flower at Petals – thank you for your unbelievable support and creation of the event!
We look forward to a successful and healthy 2020, where we will hopefully get to connect with each and every one of you! Make sure you continue to #PowerOurCommunity throughout the year. #ItsUpToUs. Keep following @ujc_cpt on Facebook for updates on beneficiaries, events and our touchpoints throughout the year. Join us on the journey!

Visit: www.ujc.org.za Facebook: UJC Cape Town Instagram: UJC_cpt
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