A Kosher food drive started during Purim to support the Jewish Community Services’ (JCS) Food Bank transformed into a weeks-long online campaign.
On 9 March, the Cape SAJBD first appealed to community organisations and social media to help the JCS ‘foodraise’. At the time, the appeal was to do Matanot Laevyonim (‘Give to the needy’) as a Purim tradition. Collection boxes were made available in the Cape SAJBD office as well as in schools and shul offices. The collection would aid JCS in preparing care packages for over 300 Jewish families in March. Little did we know that within a week, Jewish schools would close, shuls would be limited in their services and our community would need guidance as COVID-19 cases were detected in Cape Town.
As the decision was made to close the office and continue our functions at home, the JCS food drive became a digital campaign, appealing for either food donations to then-still-open shul offices or donations via SnapScan.
While the campaign will continue digitally, the Cape SAJBD has raised R67 000 to date through the generosity of the Cape Jewish community, not to mention the Kosher food contributed by individuals. The total was raised through 32 SnapScan donations and eight donations via EFT. The biggest single donation was R18 000 and the average donation was R1 560.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts to those who supported this campaign and will continue to do so. It is your generosity and compassion that will ensure care for Jewish families in need during this tumultuous time.
By Mathilde Myburgh
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