The UJW responds to the COVID-19 crisis

Deliver Ria Temele fondly known as Ria serving food at Noluthu’s Kitchen

The UJW supports over 700 children at several preschools/educare centers and crèches in impoverished communities.

Our ultimate goal is to provide quality education and nutritional support to high risk children to ensure their readiness for primary school, improve their chances of schooling success, and ultimately broaden their educational and employment prospects to lead them out of poverty.

With crèches, pre-schools and educare centres having to close due to COVID-19 and with many of the children’s parents now unemployed, their situation is dire. Our focus during this time has been on ensuring that these children and their families are fed and kept safe and healthy through this crisis.

To this end the UJW has set up two COVID-19 appeals:

A feeding appeal to help the UJW collect food to send to our crèches and preschools, enabling our children and their families to eat healthy and nutritious food.

An appeal for the collection of baby goods to add to our baby bags and assist the new moms at Somerset Hospital with a bag full of essential items they will need to look after their newborn.

All goods collected have been used for the above two appeals. We have been able to deliver 50 family food packs to our Kensington Creche children and their families, send food parcels to our other crèches helping them to cook for and feed their community members and send 16 family’s food vouchers and help 20 new indigent moms with baby bags.

The impact of our community’s generosity and kindness to these children and their families is immeasurable. Our commitment is unwavering and we will continue to support them in a consistent and sustainable manner.

The schools we support include: Kensington Preschool, Babe’s Educare Centre, Elundini Centre for Disabled and Able-bodied Children, Noluntu soup Kitchen, Vlottenberg Community Organisation and Masikhukukeke Educare Centre.

For more information on our projects or how to get involved please call Shelley on 082 372 3577.

Rika van der Merwe with the baby bags that are about to be delivered to Somerset Hospital

Union of Jewish Women website, UJW on Facebook

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