Throughout Elul, Temple Israel has offered a number of ways to connect meaningfully even though we haven’t been able to join together in person.
We had a daily WhatsApp group with thoughts, quotes, music and poetry relating to Elul that included a daily video of one of our rabbis or community members blowing Shofar.
Our live Shofar Drive-by event outside the Green Point stadium was a great success. Members of the community drove by (with windows closed), while shofar blowers (safely distanced) blew the shofar.
Also during the month of Elul, Rabbi Greg held weekly online morning meditation sessions, as well as the shofar being blown at the end of each of our online Havdalah services and at our weekly online shiurim.
In many ways, we brought Elul into the homes and hearts of our community members, perhaps even more so than we would have had we not be thinking creatively about how to connect and observe Elul during these unprecedented times.
Temple Israel
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