Antisemitism in education spaces

By Stuart Diamond

If an antisemitic incident happens on your campus or in your online learning environment:

DO: Call campus security, or call CSO immediately if there is any threat to your safety or that of your fellow students.

DO: Document the incident.

DO: Report the incident to campus authorities as a bias incident.

DO: Try to find out if the perpetrator of the incident was a student or someone from off-campus/ outside your learning environment.

DO: Report the incident by emailing the Cape SAJBD at Your report will help us keep accurate data and combat antisemitism.

DONโ€™T: Use hateful language to respond. Your goal should be to show why bias is hurtful, not to even
the score.

DONโ€™T: Take matters into your own hands. If someone puts up antisemitic flyers or online content, for example, do not remove them without approval from your university.

DONโ€™T: Call for bans on free speech. Focus instead on countering bad speech with good speech.

DONโ€™T: Give up. Itโ€™s important to show how much this event or incident hurts you, and share those feelings with your fellow students.

You can respond effectively. Empower your campus community to learn from the event, and to take steps to ensure it doesnโ€™t happen again.

Cape SA Jewish Board of Deputies website:, Instagram, and Facebook page.

Published in the print edition of the February 2021 issue. Download the February 2021 issue PDF here.

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