Growing Glendale’s edible garden on Tu Bishvat

Ben Getz waters a newly-planted sapling

by Mathilde Myburgh

On Thursday 28 January, weeks of planning and selection culminated in the planting of fruit trees in Glendale Home’s all-new garden, in celebration of Tu Bishvat.

Tu Bishvat is celebrated on the 15th day of the Hebrew month Shevat annually, and is also called Rosh HaShanah La’llanot, which literally translates to ‘New Year of the Trees’. The day is often celebrated as a Jewish arbour day, focusing on ecological awareness. Last year, the Cape SAJBD celebrated by running an awareness programme at Holy Cross RC Primary School in District Six and planting four fruit trees.

This year, we donated two pomegranate trees, two lemon trees and two Williams pear trees to Glendale Home, towards its edible garden project. Ben Getz from Urban Harvest, who designed and landscaped the Magen David-shaped edible garden with his crew, planted the trees close by. In attendance were Vice Chair Adrienne Jacobson and Executive Director Stuart Diamond, alongside Glendale Home Chair Judith Cohen, Board Member Rael Koping who manages its Wellness and Care Portfolio, Executive Director Shelly Korn, and Executive Director of the United Jewish Campaign, Barry Levitt.

Residents enjoyed a programme starting at 09:30 for tree planting, followed by a delicious lunch and an afternoon Tu Bishvat Seder with sensory activities around the theme, ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover.’

“The residents had such a great time, and the trees are so beautiful. They make a great addition to Glendale’s new orchard. Thank you so much for the generous donation,” Daphne Avinir, operations manager at Glendale said.

Stuart Diamond encourages the community to get involved with the ongoing edible garden project at Glendale Home.

“If anyone is willing and able to donate, they do have space for a further three fruit trees and would love to install a wooden bench or two in the garden.”

Anyone interested in contributing to the edible garden can get in touch with Glendale Home on 021 712 0270 or via email to

Glendale home website, email, phone: +27 (0)21 712 0270

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• Published in the print edition of the March/April Pesach 2021 issue. Download the March/April 2021 issue PDF here.

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