By Daniel Bloch, Executive Director, Cape SAJBD
This month, I begin my journey as the executive director of the Cape SAJBD. At the age of 42, I have achieved many milestones, both personally and professionally, the most recent one being the opportunity to represent my community. This fills me with immense pride and honour.
Growing up in a Jewish home, I watched my father actively engage with the community, and it was something I wished to emulate as I got older. My family and upbringing have been an integral factor in my personal and career growth. In 2017, I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps by joining the management committee of the Green & Sea Point Hebrew Congregation, where I have spent the past four years working with a passionate team. In 2019, I was elected to the United Herzlia Schools Board of Governors where I spent a year understanding their importance and impact on our community.
Two years later, and I find myself part of the dynamic team at the Cape SAJBD. Strengthening and building relationships with both the Jewish and non-Jewish communities is paramount to ensuring that the Board achieves its vision — to ensure the continuity, protection, and resilience of a proud Western Cape Jewish community, in an inclusive and just society. This is my core task and I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead.
My background is primarily in the events and media industry, where I have worked with many international companies, using my skills as a leader and decision-maker to ensure the success of many projects. Building long-lasting relationships and connecting with industry leaders is one of my passions and is the inspiration for my monthly column titled Connect, Collaborate, Community.
Currently, the Board has several important projects on the go; however, I would like to start by focusing on strengthening our relationships with the seventy community affiliates. Through effective collaboration with each affiliate, we can share experiences, generate ideas, and combine resources; allowing us to work smarter and more efficiently. This will enable us to connect with many like-minded community members and effect real change in the community. Connect + Collaborate = a strong and unified community capable of achieving anything!
My commitment is to represent the Western Cape Jewish Community to the best of my abilities, fight for our right to practice our Judaism and continue the important work of the Cape South African Jewish Board of Deputies.
Cape SA Jewish Board of Deputies website:, Instagram, and Facebook page.
• Published in the print edition of the May 2021 issue. Download the May 2021 issue PDF here.
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