Temple Israel celebrated the graduation of fourteen students from our Jews by Choice Programme.
The class spent a year of intense study during which they learned to master Hebrew reading, and studied different aspects of Jewish belief and practice. Our celebrations took the form of a Declaration Ceremony on Friday 25 February before the Shabbat service and culminated in a celebratory Shabbat service the following morning during which the graduates led the prayers and were called to Torah.
We welcome them into the Jewish community and we are excited to have them and their partners as members of our congregation. Each graduate brings with them their unique interests, skills and ideas and we look forward to their contribution to our ever-growing and exciting congregation, and indeed the broader Jewish community.
It is heart-warming and encouraging to welcome into our midst individuals who have voluntarily elected to join the Jewish people.
Mazal tov to them and their families.
Temple Israel www.templeisrael.co.za
Published in the PDF edition of the Pesach/April 2022 issue – Click here to get it.
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