CJSA – your home away from home

Arona Katz, Candice Eden of Bridges for Peace, Jennifer Gordon and Debbie Epstein

Nothing pleases me more when I go into one of our centres to see a group of our members and guests enjoying themselves.

Usually the noise level greets you as you move towards the door, which in itself is like an endorphin, lifting my soul tremendously. During the past month we have held a number of functions which have been thoroughly enjoyed and well supported, and hopefully this will continue in the months ahead.

However CJSA is not only there for activites, outings and socialising.  Our social worker team provides a variety of specialised services for those needing them.

Psychological and psychosocial intervention of our members with counselling services are increasing, especially since our centres have reopened. Prior to Covid-19, our social workers often had to invite those whom they deemed in need of intervention, to engage with them for counselling. However isolation has created and exacerbated many insecurities and all sorts of health issues, compounded by lack of exercise and decreased mental stimulation. Since reopening, we are finding that more often, members are approaching our team to request these types of services. Should we have clients who are unwilling to come to the center to engage with one of our social workers, telephonic  or Zoom counselling is offered.

Many of our members have children and grandchildren, and there are often occasions that intervention is needed for one reason or another; thus assistance is not only for our members, we also provide family support and multigenerational support when necessary.  

CJSA social workers meet regularly to engage, to monitor and to evaluate those we counsel; and to provide advice for intervention wherever necessary. We are often the link to other resources offered in our community, as well as the wider Cape Town. We work closely with all the Jewish Welfare groups to ensure that we prevent overlapping of services and to ensure that the best possible services are offered to those who require them. We actively engage in advocacy and lobbying for the rights of the aged.

We also ensure food security for our members. Those needing assistance regularly receive food parcels. We continue to educate our members with presentations on all aspects of healthcare, encouraging everyone to take charge of their own health, medication needs and intervention by their doctors when necessary. All our support is person-centred, allowing members to lead and make important decisions enabling them to live their best lives.

We encourage and urge all members of our community to visit us personally or to view our activites on our Facebook page. There is no reason for anyone to be lonely or alone when everyone can be part of CJSA. There certainly must be something of interest each week to encourage your attendance at any one of our centres scattered around Cape Town.

Even though we all do things differently, we all want to live well. Being a member of CJSA makes this possible because our team really work incredibly hard to see that each member has the opportunity to live their best life, engage and laugh often whilst being active, and enjoy outings with the opportunity to make, renew and build on friendships whenever possible.


Is a choice between Ageing and Growing.

Ageing adds years to life and Growing adds life to years

So live your life and forget your age.

Hope that the month will be a good one for each and every one.

Diana Sochen
Executive Director

Social and Personal

We congratulate our members who have celebrated joyous occasions during the last month.


Barbara Kahn – granddaughter.

Wilfred Mirkin – great-granddaughter


Henny Bernstein – great granddaughter

Roy and Vonny Bernstein – granddaughter

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Bernstein – niece


Alec and Thelma Cohen – granddaughter


Wilfred and Glickie Bloom – granddaughter

Les Vides – granddaughter

Special Birthday wishes:

Solly Gutman – 80, Ruth Katzeff – 95 and Fay Abrahams – 88 


Adele and Bernard Saven – 50

Welcome to new members:

Colette Brownell and Livia Grodentzik 

Wishes of strength to those who are not well and Refua Shlemah:

Den Bernstein, Edie Busch, Sokkie Cohen, Harry Epstein and Pam Koonin 

Our deepest sympathy to the family of members who have recently passed away: 

Rita Blum (Mother of Estelle Tait), Brenda Madeisky (Mother of Ida Fay Mervis)

Recent outings and activities

Cape Jewish Seniors Association
Director: Diana Sochen, 021 434 9691, director@cjsa.org.za
Admin: Amanda, 021 434 9691, admin@cjsa.org.za
CJSA on Facebook

• Published in the PDF edition of the July 2022 issue – Click here to read it.

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