That time…

Itโ€™s that time of the month when I sit in front of the heater at 3.30 am, writing what is my 16th editorโ€™s column for the Cape Jewish Chronicle! 

My human, and even feline family have taken themselves to bed already, and only my neighbourโ€™s gatecrashing cat keeps me company, snoozing on the couch next to me.ย 

And speaking of โ€˜that timeโ€™, itโ€™s also that time of year when we look ahead and identify some ways to make our lives happier, more meaningful and more efficient. Top of my list โ€” youโ€™ve guessed โ€” is to write my column before the last minute. 

This edition is full of thought-provoking ruminations on how Rosh Hashanah  offers us the opportunity to introspect, and to find ways to move forward with purpose. We also understand that to move forward, we have to look backwards, to assess where we have done well, where we have done less well, and what we need to do, to do better. 

In order to move forward, it is necessary to let go of some things as we accept the inevitable and unavoidable flow of time, and the necessity of moving with it. 

We say goodbye to the spectre of Covid that haunted us for the last two years, but with a judicious dose of caution lest, like the monster in the movie, it launches one last attack when we turn our backs in the belief that it has been conquered. 

One very sad change at the Chronicle office is the termination of 31 years of Tessa Epsteinโ€™s calm, efficient and reassuring presence. Tessa has retired from the CJC and we miss her already!

These pages are full of food for thought as we prepare for the high holy days โ€” memories to cherish and to learn from, and inspiration for charting a positive course into the new year that will come with its usual mix of joy, excitement, pain and frustration. 

From all of us at the Cape Jewish Chronicle, we wish you a Shana Tova and look forward to engaging with you once again in 5783.ย 

โ€ข Published in the September 2022 Rosh Hashanah Digital Edition โ€“ย Click here to read it.

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