The last couple of weeks have been extremely busy with all the celebrations of the High Holy Days.
How wonderful to be able to celebrate together once again as a community; and for each community to have the opportunity to be back in shul, many seeing each other for the first time in two years. I found it an emotional experience as I welcomed our congregation on the first evening of Rosh Hashanah and wondered at the enormity of what we have all been through. At each event, it felt as though we were butterflies emerging from cocoons. There is a definite new way of celebrating, and I believe that we are all very grateful to be able to celebrate together. I hope that each of us has emerged kinder, more patient and mindful of the importance of good health, good friends and the preciousness of life.
The renovations to the UJW house in Albany Road Sea Point are well under way with our builders working hard and sticking to the time schedule. We have a tight budget and are endeavouring to keep strictly to it while ensuring that the venue is going to be fabulous, with warm, inviting rooms available to enable us to host different events to suit everyone’s taste. The plan is for the building to be completed by the end of November so that we can move over and be ready to commence activities when we reopen in January 2023. We hope that the community will share in our excitement and participate in the activities we are planning. Please watch this space.
Many of you will remember the wonderful annual get-aways we enjoyed at Goudini Spa. Our last break was only days before Covid-19 hit the world. Since we reopened the branch, we have had numerous requests to reinstate this special activity. Happily, we have been able to book for 2023. It was not an easy feat, as the spa is already almost fully booked for the year. We have provisionally booked the accommodation for October 2023 which sounds ridiculously far ahead, but the reality is that it is the only time that is suitable and available. We would like to have an indication of who might want to join us, so please let your social worker know if you
are interested.
The JCC AGM was held on Monday 31 October. This important event — held each year for the seven welfare organisations who fall under the Jewish Welfare umbrella — was an opportunity to showcase their work to the community. Those who joined the meeting, in person or on Zoom, could feel pride and respect for our Cape Town Community which is truly unique and caring.
My family and I were enveloped with love by our incredible caring community last week when the matriach of our family, our beloved mom, granny and great-granny passed away. Each and every one, including the incredible chevra, rabbis, caring teams from the shuls and the community showed such compassion and ensured that we were held at all times throughout the week of Shiva — we are so grateful to all those who made contact with us and showered us with so much love.
Diana Sochen, Executive Director
Recent Outings

Social and Personal
We congratulate our members who have had joyous occasions during the last month.
Marcia Cirota — granddaughter
Ruth Katzeff — great-grandson
Helene Gorin — grandson
Golda Sher — granddaughter
Special birthday wishes to:
Ettey Yamey — 90
Ruth Goldberg — 80
Welcome to new members:
Martha Michael
Andrea Herr
Well wishes to those who have been under the weather:
Hymie Becker
Our wishes of strength to the family of members who have recently passed away.
Diana Sochen — mom Denise Bernstein
Lilian Sheldon — sister Fanny Chernel
Cape Jewish Seniors Association
Director: Diana Sochen, 021 434 9691,
Admin: Amanda, 021 434 9691,
CJSA on Facebook
• Published in the November 2022 Digital Edition – Click here to read it.
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