Our advertisers | Dec 2022/Jan 2023

Please scroll down to view all our December 2022/January 2023 advertisers and their contact details.
Scroll down for December 2022/January 2023 Chronic Ads.

To advertise in the Cape Jewish Chronicle contact Lynette on 021 464 6700 ext. 104 or email advertising@ctjc.co.za. For more information and advertising rate card click here.

Oasis Luxury Retirement Resort www.oasisretirementresort.co.za
Oasis Care Centre www.oasiscarecentre.co.za
MGI Bass Gordon www.bassgordon.co.za
Pick n Pay
Remax Premier Leon Singer, Tel: 082 400 7321, Email: leonsinger@remaxpremier.co.za
Rice-Tic South Africa www.ricetic.co.za, Tel: 021 511 0806
City Coins www.citycoins.co.za Tel: 021 426 2639, Email: nataliejaffe@citycoins.co.za
26ONE www.36one.co.za, Tel: 010 501 0250
Komati Foods www.komatifoods.co.za
Best Speech Ever Toby Shenker www.bestspeechever.co.za, Tel: 083 949 5579
Mark Solomon Tel: 021 434 1254
Montague Sea Point Tel: 021 439 3939 or 071 439 3938
Waterproofing Cape Town www.waterproofing-capetown.com
Gardiner Stone www.hebrewgstone.co.za
Valencia (Ntombi) Dwadwa Health carer and companion, Tel: 073 143 3647
Burr & Muir www.burrmuir.com
Sherwood House www.sherwoodhouse.co.za Tel: 021 671 7728 / 021 683 7449
Mega Clean Tel: 082 751 9604
I will buy your vehicle Tel: 072 132 5572


Rates: R50 per line incl VAT Phone: 021 464 6736 (mornings)

Mature single guy. Excellent refs. Short/long term. Keith 084 604 1194 Email: keithmilne1961@gmail.com

Reiki and Tarot reading
Using the universal energy to heal. With Shell 082 429 2137

Downsizing home? Retirement move? Kids leaving home? Deceased estate? Organising, sorting, disposing of books, household effects, etc. 083 265 7738

Contact Elaine’s Blinds for all new blinds, servicing, repairs and cleaning. Stephen and Elaine Guinsberg 021 713 1349

Repairs, upgrades, IPTV, fiber, general computer services. 082 549 0457

For all PC needs including new and refurbished PCs, upgrades, troubleshooting, fibre installation and Wifi extenders. Ilan: 082 732 4830

For all sanitary plumbing repairs, maintenance and renovations. Phone Hilton 082 789 2897 or 021 439 5550

Barry: 082 885 7458 mediamemories@bax.co.za

• To place a chronic ad, email: chron@ctjc.co.za

To place a 1-Liner or block advert please contact Lynette for a quote:
Call: 021 464 6736 (mornings) or 083 269 5648 Email: advertising@ctjc.co.za

To advertise in the Cape Jewish Chronicle contact Lynette on 021 464 6700 ext. 104 or email advertising@ctjc.co.za. For more information and advertising rate card click here.

• Published in the December 2022/January 2023 Digital Edition – Click here to read it.

• To advertise in the Cape Jewish Chronicle and on this website – kindly contact Lynette Roodt on 021 464 6736 or email advertising@ctjc.co.za. For more information and advertising rate card click here.

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