By Aimée Chiat, Founder/Director
So… what has Salisbury House been up to in 2023? Well, hold onto your chairs, we’ve hit the ground running!
Our theme for the term has been Lego. This all-time favourite childhood toy is not merely a tool to encourage imagination and fine-motor dexterity; it comes with a host of learning opportunities.
We have two Lego lessons per week, designed by the Lego company and aimed at developing children’s early engineering skills — designing and building, investigating and solving problems, and exploring machines and their functions. The children have learned about machine parts like wheels, pulleys, and joints while exploring their functions. Most importantly, the lessons have enabled them to become problem solvers, enhancing their creativity through construction and demonstration. Each lesson is structured according to a natural learning flow called the LEGO® Education 4C approach, which promotes successful learning experiences.
Our older children researched and built a timeline of Lego’s history, from its humble start in Billund, Denmark. They are currently busy with their term project, where they have had to choose a scene from a movie, build it with Lego, and then create a stop motion video of the scene with a script written by themselves.
We celebrated Tu B’Shvat with a visit to Arderne Gardens where we learnt about the various plant species and which parts of the world they come from. We had a picnic under the ‘Wedding Tree’ and played games amongst the beautiful giants in the garden.
For Purim we dressed up in the theme of Lego Minifigures, baked Hamantaschen and retold the story of Purim.
In preparation for Pesach we’ve made wine and will be selling it to the community in order to buy Technical Lego to further our knowledge and skills in this area.
Wishing everyone a Pesach Sameach!

Visit the Salisbury House website or email for more information.
• Published in the April 2023 Edition – Click here to start reading.
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