Your greeting will appear in our Special Rosh Hashana PRINT issue in September.
You will be supporting our organisation, as well as letting your friends and family know that you are thinking of them.
Please fill in the form and pay R200 to secure your booking.
Deadline for submission is Monday 7 August.
Payment methods available:
• Yoco – Use Yoco for payments by Card and for international payments.
• SnapScan and Zapper – Scroll down for Chronicle QR codes.
• EFT – Banking details: Cape Jewish Chronicle Trust, Standard Bank, Acc no: 070 703 493, Branch code: 020 909
Important: Please use your name and email address as reference. We cannot publish your message without this information! Please send proof of payment to
Your family’s information:
We require the Surname(s) and the Names you would like printed. Please see example below.
KAPLAN: David, Sue, Hannah and Joshua
JACOBS: John, Myra and family
We also require your Email Address and Phone Number (not for publication).
Last year’s example:

QR codes for easy scanning

• Enjoy the July 2023 issue – Click here to start reading.
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• Visit our Portal to the Jewish Community to see a list of all the Jewish organisations in Cape Town with links to their websites.
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