By Erin Dodo, Chairperson of SAUJS Western Cape
The American Jewish Committee (AJC) hosted their annual Global Forum in Tel Aviv and I was lucky enough to participate for the second year in a row as part of the World Union of Jewish Students’ (WUJS) delegation.
In the three days of the Forum, held at the David Intercontinental in Tel Aviv, we had some brilliant talks by President Herzog; Leader of the Opposition, Yair Lapid; as well as by previous AJC President, David Harris. AJC holding its Global Forum in Tel Aviv this year is significant – firstly because it is Israel’s 75th year of independence, and also because of the current ongoing political and societal strife in Israel. But what was truly spectacular was that no matter what, AJC’s participants’ devotion to Jewish advocacy shone through it all.
One may be wondering why it is important for South African Jewish communities to participate in seemingly American initiatives, when we have so much already going on in our own country. AJC’s Global Forum was created to answer just that question: Why is it important for Jews throughout the diaspora to participate in one country’s initiatives? The short answer is: co-operation.
The long answer? Well, they’ve got a lot to learn from us.
AJC was founded in 1906 as a force to advocate for the rights of Jews, both American and diasporic, and throughout the years has come to resemble the line between the White House and the Knesset. Through diplomacy, global initiatives and political advocacy, AJC has upheld a close relationship with the highest political figures in countries all over the world.
The current President of AJC, Ted Deutch, was a senator in Florida and has been an important figure in the development of AJC during
his tenure.
That being said, and whilst I am a huge fan of Ted as well as the work of AJC, there are cracks in the system that, unfortunately, countries like South Africa are slipping through.
AJC’s staunch American identity often limits their abilities to truly combat antisemitism on a global level. As the chairperson of SAUJS Western Cape, and with the guidance of those before me, I know that the lived experiences of the South African Jewish community can only assist them in this continued fight against hate.
Having experienced some of the vilest ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ events on campus, sponsored by BDS, as well as Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad presence (to name a few), in a place where students are meant to feel safe, the experience of the youth, which in forums such as these are often side-lined, is absolutely pivotal.
I voiced this directly to President Deutch who was incredibly welcoming of it, and encouraged me to join the AJC Campus Global Board, a new project by AJC, started last year, to empower the youth and to foster our experiences and gain insight, ideas, and inspiration.
With all this being said, AJC was an incredible experience and a true delight to participate in for the second time. To make new connections and friends, to see the passion in all of our eyes – I can say without any doubt that the future of Jewish advocacy is bright.
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• Published in the September 2023 issue – Click here to start reading.
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