Giving back to others at Cape Town Torah High

Rabbi Shlomo and Deputy Principal Sarah Hull present blankets and clothing to Souper Troopers

More than ever, it’s vital to impart in children and teens the joy and importance of giving back to others. It is for this reason CTTH has a dedicated weekly Chessed (“loving-kindness”) period for hands-on projects and initiatives, and we have seen this make a significant impact on the community while instilling incredible values in the students.

Projects like designing teddies for children in hospital facing severe health challenges, or growing and harvesting herbs and vegetables from the school garden to make soups for the poor, fosters in kids a sense of sensitivity towards others and gratitude for their own blessings. Working together with community organisations like Tikvah Food bank and JCS opens their eyes to the beauty of our special community. 

Students also collected blankets and clothing in partnership with Souper Troopers for Mandela Day, and make sandwiches for the hungry on a weekly basis with Ladles of Love. 

Engaging students in such community-focused projects not only benefits those they are assisting but also teaches them empathy, compassion, and the importance of giving back. It nurtures a culture of social responsibility and makes an outsized impact on the lives of others, and helps make our world a better place. 

Cape Town Torah High


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