How wonderful it is and how lucky we are that there is always something that we can look forward to. I hope that you have all enjoyed the High Holy Days with the various services and special times to be near to your loved ones while participating in the time-honoured traditions that are passed down through the generations.
Now that the High Holy Days are drawing to a close, we have the opportunity to look forward to the wonder of Spring with warmer weather, longer days and the exquisite beauty of new buds on the trees and plants beginning to flower. Our members have already had the privilege of driving out into the country to see the spring flowers which they were able to enjoy even though the weather was not at its best.
October will see a group enjoying the hot water springs at Goudini – the first time since COVID – and I know that those who have booked are really looking forward to the experience. Apart from the hot springs, there will be opportunities to experience the beautiful Worcester Valley, enjoying a lunch at a well-known vineyard. One of the highlights of the break is the special braai that the Lions Club of Worcester hosts for us on the final evening – once again we look forward to this.
The activities at our branches are being enjoyed with members attending the regular sessions with guest speakers, the art and activity mornings, and the weekly outings, which are all thoroughly enjoyed and often oversubscribed. Everyone who attends seems to appreciate what we have on offer. It is always gratifying to all of us when we get to know that our efforts are appreciated.
Developing Appreciation
It is so easy to let each day slip through without giving a thought or appreciating life’s pleasures. It is also easy for us to forget about the wonders we can experience each day. We need to open our eyes and become aware – to awake from our unconscious sleep. By looking for things to experience and feel grateful for, we can spend less time on auto pilot. Instead of just going through the motions, being conscious of the good things that happen in our lives enables us to feel more positive about what is currently going on as well as looking forward to things in the future. Being appreciative also gives us more energy to tackle difficult tasks and realise that there is always something to be grateful for.
In order to appreciate anything, it is really important to appreciate the self. A great many of our problems in life occur because we don’t always appreciate ourselves. Developing appreciation for ourselves allows us to see our potential as well as our problems. We discover that, even though we are not perfect, there is still immense value and beauty in who we are. This is reassuring. Being open and honest with ourselves helps us to be open with others. We learn that we can relate to others based on the goodness and beauty we discover in ourselves. And, in doing so, the results in our life are both enormous and startling.
When we open our hearts enough to include ourselves and let go of our harsh judgments, something wonderful happens within. You will find that it is easier to focus on things that you appreciate, and you will increase the happiness and positivity in your life and your relationships.
Diana Sochen, Executive Director
Social and Personal
We congratulate our members who have had joyous occasions during the last month.
Jean Tocker – great-grandson
Joan Fisher – great-grandson
Jacqui & Andy Rogers – grandson
Rahle Kuritzky – 90th
Avril Rappaport – 75th
Reuben & Sheila Wagenheim – grandson
Veronica Belling – grandson
Cheryl & Paul Salkinder – grandson
Alec & Thelma Cohen – granddaughter
Rosebeth Becker – granddaughter,
Freda Tucker – grandson
Welcome to new members
Bridget Flanagan
Well wishes to those who have been under the weather
Carrie Clift, Shirley Kaplan, Gabi Robinson
Our wishes of strength to those who have recently lost loved ones
Ackerman Family on the passing of Raymond Ackerman.
Rabbi Greg Alexander and Student Rabbi Andi – passing of Rabbi Greg’s father, Peter.
Sisters of member Harold Friedman on his passing.

Cape Jewish Seniors Association
Director: Diana Sochen, 021 434 9691,
Admin: Amanda, 021 434 9691,
CJSA on Facebook
• Published in the October 2023 issue – Click here to start reading.
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