Super Purim

The superstars of the Purim shpieel (l-r) Rabbi Malcolm (Green Goblin/Bigthan) Jeffrey Davis (super Mordechai) Jess Miller (Captain Vashti), Rabbi Emma (Super Esther), Samantha Horwitz (Wonder Woman), Jacob Hoffman (Thanos - Haman - boo), Rabbi Greg (Thor/Ahashverosh), Rachael Sara (Loki - Teresh)

Our Purim was supercharged this year with kids and adults showing their amazing powers at our carnival, shpieel and megillah reading at Piers Place rooftop venue in town. The stalls were filled with food, crafts and games and the shpieel included parodies from Frank Sinatra to Ed Sheeran.

Thanks to all the helpers, singers, leyners, costumers and to the weather for holding out perfectly. 

Temple Israel

• Published in the May 2024 issue – Click here to start reading.

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