A Jewish Journey in the Iberian Peninsula during May

Julian Resnick

JULIAN RESNICK writes from Israel

A special offer from Julian to those of you who are regular readers of the Cape Jewish Chronicle: an invitation to join him on a Jewish Journey to Morocco in October 2025 with a price discounted by $200 pp for those of you who receive the print edition of the Chronicle.

I am on a Jewish Journey with nineteen people from the United States in the Iberian Peninsula — Portugal and Spain — during this very emotional month of May. A month which includes Yom Hashoah, Yom Hazikaron — the day I am actually sitting down to write this — and Yom Ha’atzmaut — tomorrow.

Would I have planned to do this Journey during this time after October 7th? To be totally honest, no. It is always a very emotional time for me, but I, of course, had no way of knowing what this year would bring, so here I am, about to begin a day which will include a visit to Serralves, to the Museum of Contemporary Art, as well as the Jewish Museum at the Kadoorie Synagogue, the largest synagogue built in the 20th century in the Iberian Peninsula. 

Every evening, as part of my preparation for the next day, I have sent out a link to an audio piece to my group to help them prepare for the day. For the first day, a link to the Portuguese National Anthem to help understand the question: How do the Portuguese understand their narrative? Before visiting Monserrate outside Sintra, an audio recording of a Lord Byron poem. Before visiting the Gothic monastery in Batalha, a Gregorian Chant.

But what do I send out on the evening of the day which will end at the Holocaust Museum here where the local Jewish Community will hold its ceremony for Erev Yom Hazikaron, a day which also includes a visit to the Medieval Library in the University of Coimbra and a visit to the Underground Museum in Alianca which ends with a wine tasting? My group is on holiday, after all. We laugh, we enjoy wine, we marvel at Medieval buildings and consider the fascinating history which surrounds us, and we journey through glorious countryside.

It does not take me long to come to a decision. I send them a link to a poignant rendition of Psalm 23 (Tehilim Kaf Gimel) sung by Avraham Fried, to a melody composed by Yossi Hershkowitz (z”l) on the day before he fell in Gaza defending the State of Israel and the Jewish People. It is hauntingly beautiful and beyond poignant, and an extraordinary memorial to an extraordinary man.

Evening comes and we travel to join the community in their observance of Yom Hazikaron. A number of surprises await us. First, zero security. Not a policeman in sight. No security at the door. We are met by a large member of the community, but all he does is ask us to turn our cell phones to quiet mode. Second, the community is almost all expatriate Israelis. (I knew about Israeli expats in Portugal, but was surprised at seeing many of them together, having a ceremony totally in Hebrew).

Even though my group did not have the ability to understand the Hebrew, I knew it was the right place to be, not only for me, but for them as well. Together, with other Jews, focused in on Israel, painfully aware of the pain and trauma we are living with, even without understanding the speeches, or the live link to the central ceremony in Israel, at the Western Wall.

There are times, even in foreign lands, or, perhaps, especially in foreign lands, when one needs to be with family.

And this was one of them.

And this was family.

And tomorrow, we will celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut. We will drink the Israeli wine I have shlepped all the way from Israel as I knew we could only drink L’Chaim to the State of Israel with kosher wine (albeit in little plastic cups I shlepped as well). Yes, we will celebrate, as hard as it is during these times to celebrate, as we will always choose life.

So, to all of you, L’Chaim, and may we all meet on happy occasions to celebrate, as family.

Julian Resnick was born in Somerset West and grew up in Habonim Dror. He studied at UCT, and made Aliyah in 1976. He’s conducted numerous shlichuyot and educational missions on behalf of Israel, to Jewish communities in England and the USA. He works as a guide in Israel and around the world (wherever there is a Jewish story). 

He’s married to Orly, and they have three children and eight grandchildren and is a member of Kibbutz Tzora.

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