Keeping active in winter

Adele Saven and Ros Lewenson at the Milnerton Pop Up

The weather has changed of late. Gone are the balmy days of summer when we are able to enjoy the outdoors on a daily basis. It’s important to plan for the winter months, making sure that we have optimum health while coping with the usual cold and rainy weather
that is the norm in Cape Town.

It is so easy to hibernate for the winter, but this is not conducive to optimal health or living your best life. Our weekly programme at
each branch includes exercises which increase well being and release your feel good endorphins – and that certainly makes one feel better. You can remain within your comfort level by doing exercises within your capabilities. 

Experts advocate 150 minutes of light exercise per week, so make sure to allocate time for exercise even if you set up a support group to keep one another accountable, ensuring that you don’t miss out. If you are well enough, there are a number of walks that can be done which can be quite invigorating. It is really important to push yourself to exercise, even when you don’t feel like it. You will find that you might even enjoy it once you do it regularly.

Healthy eating can also keep the nasty winter bugs at bay. It is so important to have a selection of nutritious fruits and vegetables
and most importantly to keep hydrated with regular drinking of water. There is the opportunity to make or purchase a variety of delicious ready made soups which are filling and so good for you.

The regular flu vaccine is a sure way to prevent you from getting severe flu which can result in lung complications and debilitation with long periods of feeling very unwell. It is important to speak to your GP for guidance and advice in this regard.

Members have enjoyed interacting at our Milnerton Pop Up where a variety of items were on sale by enthusiastic community members who use their talent to supplement their incomes. How lovely to spend your day in the company of friends, whilst viewing beautiful home-made items.

Our enthusiastic knitters are having a knitathon in the next few weeks. Their beautifully knitted beanies, jerseys and blankets are sought-after items. 

After a couple of years break we are so pleased to be able to advertise our delicious Kiddush Wine available to enjoy for all your Shabbat and Simcha events or to give away as gifts. Wine is available to purchase at any of our branches. Please support our fundraising initiative. 

We hope you have a good month ahead and enjoy celebrating Shavout and the speciall milchik recipes that have been passed down through generations. 

Stay warm and healthy and join our programmes, both in-house and online.

Diana Sochen, Executive Director

Social and Personal

We congratulate our members who have had joyous occasions during the last month.
Dorothy and Leonard Sank – Granddaughter
Bat Mitzvah:
Eve Weinkove – Granddaughter; Diana and David Sochen – Granddaughter, Kylie
Joe and Dinah Polliack – Daughter
Shirley Greenstein – Granddaughter
Miriam and Ivan Atlas – 63rd
Special Birthday:
Pearl Firer – 80th; Edie Busch – 90th

Welcome to new members:
Nola Davidson, Quentin Dixon, Gill Bass

Condolences and wishes of Long Life to:
Annette Roup on the passing of her sister, Socky Cohen The family of Marlene Gie Neville Sher – Sister

Well wishes extended to those who have been under the weather. You have been in our thoughts: Bernice Kaplan, Lilian Sheldon, Shirley Kaplan, Nat Yamey

Cape Jewish Seniors Association
Director: Diana Sochen, 021 434 9691,
Admin: Amanda, 021 434 9691,
CJSA on Facebook

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