By Editor
As we know, many Christians the world over have been showing tremendous support for Israel during the current time of crisis. These people are certainly valuable allies for both the State of Israel and for Jewish communities elsewhere feeling threatened.
Cape Town artist and committed Christian, Elizabeth (Liz) Campbell, has always felt a strong affinity with Israel, and has been appalled by the events of October 7th and the subsequent reaction to the people of Israel. Wanting to make a positive impact, she recently embarked on a project geared to show support to Israelis. She explains that, “I and many of my pro-Israel friends were frustrated about not knowing how to help Israel. Many of us don’t have the finances to send to the many different organisations helping Israel so we needed to identify another way to assist.”
A member of WIZO and the Chairperson of WIZO’s Ruth branch, Liz comments, “Being an artist and having many of my works printed into cards, I know how much it means to someone who is ill or having a birthday to receive a hand-painted or written card or letter, and this is how Love Letters 2 Israel was born.” The initiative has grown beyond her expectations. In fact, within the first 1½ months, around
3 000 letters and handmade cards came flooding in. The project is now expanding to former South Africans and other Christians living elsewhere, too. Liz explains that letters and cards are now also being produced among Christians in Singapore, the UK, New Zealand and the USA.
Partnering with WIZO for the distribution of the letters and cards to Israelis, Liz is also pleased that each letter is stamped with the WIZO South Africa or Cape Town logo and an email address, allowing recipients to start a conversation with their Christian supporters.
The Jewish community of Cape Town truly appreciates this heartwarming show of support, and wishes Liz well with the future of this project.

The WIZO Ruth branch
The support from many Christians for Israel is evident in numerous ways, including via a unique branch of WIZO. The Ruth branch, located in Stellenbosch, brings together 67 Christians with a deep love and commitment to Israel and her people.
Led by Christian supporter Elizabeth Campbell, the Ruth branch comprises both women and men, whose collective efforts have played a significant role in WIZO’s success.
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