New UJC community video


What does it really mean to be part of our Cape Town Jewish community? That’s the big question we dived into while filming our latest UJC community video.

Picture this: The coldest day of the year, hundreds of people showing up from all walks of life, different ages and genders, and understandings of their own unique take on being Jewish, coming together to chat, get to know one another, and figure out what makes our Cape Town Jewish community so special. Spoiler alert: it’s the awesome similarities that bind us, not the differences.

Throughout these lively discussions, our videographers and photographers were on the move, capturing fascinating conversations and meaningful insights.

Here are some standout highlights from our conversations:

  • What defines us as Jews? Well, we’re known for our good-natured complaining, and we love to eat and talk-a lot!
  • The incredible story of the Jewish ambulance service, known today as CO, and how it saved a man’s life.
  • How the community has become a welcoming home for those who choose to convert to Judaism.
  • The vital role the community plays in protecting vulnerable individuals.
  • Providing a rich Jewish cultural life, or Yiddishkeit, for our children.
  • A strong emphasis on supporting others, which goes beyond just financial help; it’s about giving time and lending a hand.

Our aim is to showcase the UJC as the ultimate unifier within Cape Town’s Jewish community-the glue that holds all the diverse elements together. And you’ll see this theme woven throughout the video.

Check out the video below โ€“ you may even spot someone you know!

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